Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Jesus Is NOT Angry at You

Years ago, I remember hearing a story about people trying to get into Heaven. In the story, Jesus, the stern judge, was holding court at the entrance of Heaven. Everyone who wanted to get in, first had to stand before Jesus and listen as He loudly proclaimed all their sins. One after another, each person would quiver in fear as Jesus angrily declared him or her unworthy, and then cast them into Hell. The remaining people waiting their turn were terrified. But then a guy tip-toed over to the crowd and whispered, “Psst, follow me. Jesus’ mom is letting people in through the side door.”

I’ve heard other stories (true ones, by the way, not silly tales) from folks who attended parochial schools, especially during the 1940s and 50s. Exasperated nuns, trying to maintain order in a noisy classroom, would yell, “Jesus is so angry at you, he’ll NEVER let you into Heaven!”

So, the main lesson to be learned from both semi-humorous stories and exasperated nuns is that Jesus is really angry at us. The conclusion, therefore, is that unless our behavior is pretty much perfect, we have little chance of getting into Heaven.

Off the top of my head, I can think of three or four people I know who are faithful to the teachings of the Church, but who are genuinely so worried about their chances of getting into Heaven, they are depressed and miserable about it. They truly believe they have committed so many sins over the years, Jesus is really mad at them and most likely will cast them into Hell for all eternity. These people are genuinely frightened of Jesus.

This attitude is the complete OPPOSITE of what the Good News of the Gospel teaches. Yes, Jesus loves righteousness and hates sin. Yes, Jesus is the judge of all the world. Yes, Jesus told us, “Be perfect, as my heavenly Father is perfect.” Yes, Jesus said, “Go, and sin no more.”

However, we can’t take those quotes in isolation and out of context. Those quotes must be understood within the entirety of the New Testament. And here is the main message of Scripture: 1) we ALL are sinners and fall short; 2) but God loves us so much He sent His Son to pay the price for our sins; and 3) if we trust in Him and accept His forgiveness we can enter into Heaven, even if we really don’t deserve it.

That’s why they call it the Good News. It’s not very complicated. It’s all based on love. God loves us, and if we love Him in return, He will wash away our sins.

If you want to look at specific Bible verses, try this one: “Love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). Or this one: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life” (John 3:16).
This famous verse from John’s gospel summarizes God’s entire plan of salvation. The Lord created each and every one of us out of love, and He loves each and every one of us with an intensity we cannot comprehend. He would never willfully send anyone to Hell. Regrettably, many people refuse to accept His love and His offer of forgiveness, and choose instead to separate themselves from God for all eternity, and so the end result is the same. But it’s not God doing it.

If you’re one of those folks who was told years ago that Jesus is angry at you, it’s simply not true. That’s a false view of Our Lord, which was invented by, among other people, frazzled nuns and frustrated parents who wanted to keep kids in line. (I’m not saying you didn’t in fact terrorize those poor nuns. I’m just saying Jesus still loves you despite your behavior then—and now.)

If you’re afraid you’re not good enough for Heaven, join the crowd! Everyone in Heaven (except Mary) was not good enough either. But they are there right now because God loves them, and they loved Him back in return.

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