Saturday, February 11, 2023

Jesus Takes Away Fear of Death

In the letter to the Hebrews in the Bible, it says that Jesus came to “free those who through fear of death had been subject to slavery all their life” (Heb 2:15).

Fear of death wasn’t something that only afflicted people 2,000 years ago; it is very prevalent today, too. I read recently that Bill Maher laments that he’ll never see his friend Howard Stern again because Stern is so fearful of Covid that he doesn’t leave his house anymore. By the way, I don’t care for either gentleman’s brand of comedy, but the point is, there are a lot of people like Stern these days: so spooked by the pandemic that they’re terrified to go outside.
Now, before you get all huffy, please understand that I’m not saying people should flaunt death and take all kinds of foolish risks. I don’t like risk at all. I have way too many insurance policies; I don’t like gambling in any form; and if I need to take a left-hand turn but another car is coming toward me about a quarter-mile away, I’ll wait for it to pass before making my turn. It’s just too risky, in my mind.

I get it that Covid has been a real scourge ever since it appeared three years ago. Millions of people have died worldwide during that time, and people are still dying from it. But millions of people also die of heart disease, cancer, the flu, car crashes, drug abuse, etc. And many people die everyday from old age, because the two most hard and fast rules of the universe are these: Rule #1: People get old and die. Rule #2: You can’t change rule #1. So, it’s simply impossible to live a completely risk-free life. 

Now, certainly there are people at high risk because of their pre-existing health problems or age. If they contract Covid it could have a horrible outcome. These folks need to be extremely cautious. But there are countless others who are not in high-risk categories, who have been vaccinated multiple times, and who are living their lives in total fear of Covid. How sad. As the author of the letter to the Hebrews said, these people are in slavery. They have relinquished all their freedom because of a fear of death.
This is the exact fear Jesus came to remove from our lives. By opening up a path to eternal life in Heaven – via His death and resurrection – we no longer have to fear death. Which means we can live in freedom and truly enjoy whatever amount of time we end up having in this world.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that Christians are so focused on Heaven that they don’t care about this life. History shows that those who have their sights set on the next life actually do the most to make this life better. Which group of people founded hospitals and universities, and worked so hard to abolish slavery and pass civil rights legislation? It was people of faith.

Anyway, the irony here is that those who do not have a fear of death – even though they fully understand it is inevitable – are the very people who enjoy life the most.
Our life here on earth is a wonderful gift from God. And the possibility of eternal life in the paradise of Heaven is also a gift from God. Knowing and living these two facts is a win-win situation: we can relax and enjoy this life on earth to the fullest, without being imprisoned by the fear of death; and we can be in the everlasting embrace of the Creator of the Universe forever once our time on earth is over.

So, be wise, be cautious, and don’t take foolish risks. But don’t be obsessed with the fear of death either. It’s a self-imposed prison sentence. Embrace the love and mercy of God and live your life with joy and freedom. 

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