Saturday, March 12, 2022

Is It Time to Clean Up Our Frickin’ Act?

 It is time to join the “Frick Revolution.” 

The only person I’ve ever heard of named Frick was former Major League Baseball commissioner Ford Frick, who lived from 1894 to 1978. However, it turns out there have been many famous Fricks throughout history. Wikipedia lists dozens of them, most of whom were originally from Germany, Switzerland, or Liechtenstein.
So, Frick is much more common than I thought, and it needs to become even more common, if we’re ever going to recapture what used to be called common decency.

The Frick Revolution is a brand new grassroots effort (started by me five minutes ago) to clean up our act when it comes to garbage-mouth conversation. Let’s face it, the big ol’ F-bomb has become so ubiquitous these days, it’s impossible to avoid it.

Here is a short list of people who use the F-bomb constantly: Joe Rogan, Joe Biden, Bruce Springsteen, Samuel L. Jackson, Adele, Phil Mickelson, and most of the people in my office, including, occasionally, me. (I am using, of course, the definition of the word “occasionally” that means: only when my mouth is moving.)

A few decades ago, Mike Myers made the classic “Austin Powers” comedy movies, and a main character, Dr. Evil, used the frick bomb, as in, “Throw me a frickin’ bone!” and, “I want sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads!”
Because no one in these movies said the real F-bomb, the films were rated PG instead of R, which doubled the size of the potential audience. It was a brilliant move by Mr. Myers, which netted an extra $100 million in box office receipts. More importantly, it also demonstrated that the frick bomb can be just as effective in making a point, while at the same time not causing grandmas to swoon, Kindergarteners to cower, and seasoned potty mouths like me to roll their eyes and say, “Wow, even I think this is getting out of hand.”

Back in the olden days, television and radio were regulated by the Federal Communication Commission, which had strict rules about profanity. So, you never heard the various verbal bombs being uttered over the airwaves. The cutting edge TV shows would throw in the occasional “hell” and “damn,” but that was it.

Nowadays, with the proliferation of technology such as streaming services and satellite radio, the entertainment and communications media have become F-Bomb City. (I think their airport’s three-letter symbol is FBC.)

And those of us without our own show or podcast have joined right in. Every time I’ve been at a public event in recent years, I’ve noticed that many folks don’t hesitate to spew loud F-bombs that can be heard by total strangers. My visit to Citi Field to see a Mets game last summer was a prime example. Fans from the age of 8 to 80 were talking as if they were entered in the Howard Stern Sound-Alike Contest. Even at my worst, I only talk that way with fellow dumpster mouths, and never when there are people present who might be offended.

To be perfectly honest, living in F-Bomb City has become tedious.
Taboo words have always existed as a last resort. If a person said THE word, well, then everyone knew he was really angry. Those words were reserved only for the most serious situations. But today, if someone drops 10 or 20 F-bombs during a simple, casual conversation, what is left to use in serious situations? (Yes, I know: a Glock.)

I think it’s high time we get the Frick Revolution off and running. We can start here, in little ol’ Connecticut, and then this movement will spread across the country. Who wants to join me? It will be frickin’ great!

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