Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Day in the Life of the Trinity

Our faith tells us that God is a Trinity of persons. So, surely there is a lot of communication between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I wonder if that communication goes something like this…

Jesus: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

The Father: “You say that quite often nowadays, Son. What’s going on this time?”
Jesus: “Well, just look. There are people on earth who say they love you, but out of fear they won’t let anyone with a different skin color live in their neighborhood. And then there are others, who like to quote me, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ but all that means to them is to try and have sex with as many people as possible.”

The Father: “Yeah, I see what you mean.”

Jesus: “Well, when we put sinful people in a fallen world, we knew there was sure to be trouble.”

Holy Spirit: “Hello? Remember when I said that was not a great idea?”

The Father: “I remember. It is chaotic, that’s for sure. But it’s still a much better idea than creating little obedient robots who never do anything wrong. How can you enter into a loving relationship with someone who is unable to say no? Free will is the only thing that makes true love possible.”

Holy Spirit: “I know, but free will has caused so much heartache!”

The Father: “Yes, but how great is it when someone repents and asks you into his or her heart?”

Holy Spirit: “Yeah, that is pretty awesome.”

Jesus: “So anyway, Pop, will you forgive them, for they know not what they do?”

The Father: “Yes, of course. But as we all know, forgiveness really works best when they realize their sin and feel remorse about it. It’s hard to forgive someone when they think they’re doing everything right.”

Jesus: “True dat. But the very first time I ever made this request to you, you forgave the people who crucified me, even though they all thought they were doing the right thing.”

The Father: “I know. But many of them felt guilty about it later on.”

Holy Spirit: “You’re welcome!”

The Father: “Yes, when you touched their hearts, Holy Spirit, it made them see the error of their way and repent.”
Jesus: “And the way things are going on earth nowadays, you need to put in some overtime, H.S.”

Holy Spirit: “Ain’t that the truth.” 

Jesus: “No, I’m the truth, remember? And the way and the life.”

Holy Spirit: “Whoa, hold on there. Who’s the one who guides people into all truth? Me, that’s who.”

The Father: “Excuse me, but we’re not going to do this again. All three of us are THE TRUTH, and all three of us are on the same team. In fact, all three of us are one in being, the single divine presence in three persons.”

Jesus: “We know.”

Holy Spirit: “Yeah, we were just kidding around.”

The Father; “Well, Holy Spirit, you’d better get going. I’ve never seen things more out of control on earth. It’s really quite remarkable. In an age with unlimited information at their fingertips, people have never been more ignorant.”

Holy Spirit: “Well, it’s like you always say: ‘The two most abundant things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.’”

Jesus: “Yes, but they're just too lovable to completely abandon. Let’s get to work saving their souls.”

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in unison: “Amen!”
OK, maybe that’s not exactly how communication within the Holy Trinity occurs. I doubt they sound like characters in a bad sitcom. But there’s no doubt that God loves us, despite our sins and ignorance. He’s eager to forgive us, even when we know not what we do. 

Being forgiven by the Lord of Heaven and entering into a loving relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the most joyful sensation ever. If you’ve never experienced it, what are you waiting for?

1 comment:

  1. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ but all that means to them is to try and have sex with as many people as possible..........
    ‘The two most abundant things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.’”
    Again, 2 very strong put down cracks about other human
    Plenty of people are trying hard to love their neighbor.......In multiple ways & people are not all very, very stupid.

    Ruth O'Keefe
