Friday, March 27, 2015

The ‘Wait, What?!’ of the Week

Results from the 2014 General Social Survey were released a few days ago. A majority of Americans say they want the government to spend more money. And a majority of Americans say they want the government to lower taxes.

Wait. What?! Didn’t anyone get at least a C-minus in Math Class?! The government is already spending WAY more money than they receive via taxes. Must be nice to have your own cash printing press. But we now have 18 trillion dollars of national debt, a burden that is guaranteed to cripple our economy and standard of living for generations to come.

Oh, now I think I understand the survey results. A majority of Americans also say marijuana should be legalized. So basically, our country has turned into Jeff Spicoli. “Dude, I’m so wasted! And please take care of me, Mr. Government Bureaucrat!”

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